First Step is always to do your FAFSA
FastWeb is an online scholarship search engine
FinAid is also a search engine for scholarships
Quest Bridge compliled a list of all the top search engines
This group offers several scholarships and is a great place to get information about Young Adults and Cancer, there is even a peer mentor program.
A YA scholarship Program for survivors that demonstrate a “Will Win” attitude with respect to their cancer experience
I received this scholarship when it was awarded to everyone but not after they changed the rules. However, they are still a great organization.
A group that offers scholarships to Young cancer survivors and also offers prosthetic limbs as well
Offering a college scholarship to multiple survivors annually
A great blog about how to apply for scholarships and aid
The American Cancer Society offers several scholarships depending on your location
PAF offers multiple scholarships for cancer survivors as well as other support services
Retreats and Fun Get-a-ways
A camp for young adults where they can let off steam, do rope courses, hike, and participate in talent shows. It is a great way to connect with other survivors who share the same issues, fears, worries.
The premiere retreat organization for survivors, offering everything from rock climbing to white water rafting. For first time attendees the cost is 100% covered and there is even a travel scholarship if you cannot afford that. There are many different programs available.
They have a young adult out and even a leadership in training program for alum. They also pair up with Camp Make-A-Dream to have a conference for young adults.
A group with a mission is to empower adults affected by cancer with a renewed sense of hope, optimism, and strength through extreme sports and eco-adventures- free of charge.