Drop Me A Line 

I am available through some social media platforms. See the Social Media page for more info. I am also available through email at jettychan @jettysbrainbook. com and at jakirch @ gmail.com. I may not always answer right away but I check this email every single day. I am on social media every day and most of them are synched to my phone for even easier access. So, if you have a question or concern please send me an email and if you are interested in chatting and have Facebook, send me a friend request.

   My Forum!

 It is all about the Survivorship!  

I am an incredibly busy person but I really do want to make a difference in the world, so I spend a lot of time working with my charity (See below for a link.) I am the only full time staff and that includes all marketing and web development and management. Plus it is my goal in life to make video games and become Dr. Jetty so I am also constantly enrolled in school and working on art and games. However, I want in order to make a difference I need to connect to anyone who wants to connect, so feel free to contact me any time and I will work hard to get back to you as soon as possible.

 Chat Programs  


 Drop Me a Line 


Email: jettychan@jettysbrainbook.com

jakirch @ gmail.com

Check out
the Charity

ECOG Foundation