I do hope that I can reach out to fellow brain cancer survivors. I know that the statistics on brain cancer are bleak to say the least. To research it is to take a step into some of the most depressing pieces you will ever read. I have only met one survivor of my cancer in person and he passed away after fighting a long, hard battle. I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme at 21; this is a grade 4 brain tumor and is highly aggressive. So much so, that my oncologist has never had someone make it to 5 years without a reoccurrence, I reached my 10 year cancerversary last year. When I meet people who know what my cancer is, it is always followed with how the survivors they knew died. At my last job on more than one occasion I was hugged by crying people telling me I am a miracle and a hero. I do not feel like a miracle but every time I read about my cancer I realize that maybe I am. In my own way, just beating that terrible cancer was actually a big deal. You see to me, I just saw it as something I had to do. I never thought about the statistics, even when I read them now I do not worry about my cancer coming back. There are times in my life where I think about it and I try to plan if I did get bad news what I would need to do to maintain my regular life. I hope that these sites will help other brain cancer survivors will find these sites useful. I know that these are not all the sites available and I know that your cancer may not fit into this or you have a secondary brain tumor to another form of cancer but if you want to talk to me, please Drop Me a Line.
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