When I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme in 2005, I strived to keep my spirit positive. I tried to offer support to fellow survivors and was often told that my story was interesting and inspiring. That is what fostered the idea for this website. I produced the first Jetty’s Brain Book as a scrapbook of my time throughout diagnosis, treatment, to ‘remission’ Whenever I meet a new brain cancer survivor, I show them my book but with the power of the digital age, I knew that a website would be absolutely necessary, so I have tried to research and combine all areas I felt would be beneficial for survivors and caregivers/support circle. The actual Jetty’s Brain Book took several years to make and is a combination of both my story in written format and also a visual depiction through photo collages. The layout is a profile brain and it offers a new perspective on my story. I hope that this site is able to offer guidance and support during your or your loved ones journey!
From Social Security to Food Banks the main aid page has it all or at least everything I could come up with
Including scholarships/grants/retreats, social networking, awesome sites, and other sites of interest
Movie recommendations, puzzles, games to play and soon I hope to create even more ways to have fun!
This section will get bigger as I produce more works for sale! Look for custom art as well!
Updated Thoughts:
This site has taken a back seat to my charity work, school, and full time job but now I am working hard to update everything so that this site can once again help people. It is truly my biggest goal in life to make a true difference in the world. “Be even half as great as Mr. Rogers” is what I always say. It has been ten years since I started the original Jetty’s Brain book and it has been six years since I rolled this site out. It has now been through a massive overhaul. I have spent a long time trying to make this site as user friendly as possible.
Original Thoughts:
My book started out after my diagnosis with Glioblastoma Multiforme at 21. I had spent the previous semester in Japan making photo books and so when I woke up in the hospital I sent my boyfriend home to get my camera and started documenting everything for the future. It was only after I had finished my treatment that I really started to feel that my book could help people, however I knew that the absolute best way to reach out to people would be to create a website, so with very little web making experience I set out to make this site. It took me almost 5 years to finish the book and website, but if you’re here it means I must have done something right! I hope that my writings about staying positive can help some other survivor reach their “I Kicked Cancer’s Ass” status! So, check out the links, try out some games, and print out some pieces. This website it for all survivors, caregivers, or people who just want to learn more about this story, it is just starting out but I am hoping that I can add so much more to it and that it can become a valuable resource in the fight against cancer.